Monday 16 August 2010

'Abdur al-Rahman Khan (1844 - 1901), the "Father" of Afghanistan

'Abdur al-Rahman Khan was born in Kabul. After the death of Amir Shir Ali Khan, 'Abdur al-Rahman Khan, who was living in Samarqand at the time, returned to Afghanistan and after a fierce and long-drawn struggle for power waged by his father and his uncle, A'zam Khan, against his cousin Shir 'Ali, the successor of Dost Mohammad Khan, took the Afghan throne in 1880.
The British finally withdrew from Kandahar in April 1881, and the second Anglo-Afghan war ended soon after his arrival on the scene. The British recognized him as the Amir of Afghanistan, and later brokered various agreements with him. The boundaries of modern Afghanistan were drawn by the British and the Russians. The Durand Line of 1893 divided zones of responsibility for the maintenance of law and order between British India and the kingdom of Afghanistan; it was never intended as an international boundary. Afghanistan, therefore, although never dominated by a European imperial government, became a buffer between tsarist Russia and British India.
(Read more at  Matt & Andrej Koymasky , in their "Living Room- Biographies of LGBT People".)

Matt & Andrej do not provide sources, or details of his alleged homosexuality. It is clear though that any homosexuality was not exclusive, as he was succeeded by his eldest son:
at his death, his designated successor and eldest son, Habibollah Khan, succeeded to the throne without the usual fratricidal fighting.

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