Sunday 16 October 2011

Eugène of Savoy-Soisson, Prince and General

b. October 16, 1663
d. April 24, 1736) Italy

The son of the prince (François) Eugène Maurice of Savoy-Carignano, he was born in Paris. When Louis XIV refused him to enter in his army (1683), he entered the Austrian Army, and served against the Turks at the defence of Vienna, and against the French on the Rhine and in Italy ten years later. In 1697 he expelled the Turks from Hungary by his triumph at Zenta.

In the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14) he shared with Marlborough in his great victories against the French (battles of Blenheim, Oudenarde, and Malplaquet), and won many successes as an indipendent commander in Italy. He again defeated the Turks in 1716-18, and fought a last campaign against the French in 1734-35. Napolen considered him as one of the seven great generals to whom the art of the war is due.

Prince Eugene of Savoy was the companion of Philippe, Duc d'Orleans the transvestite homosexual brother of Louis XIV. Eugene's sexual orientation was well known to his peers. He never married, and fellow officers referred to him as a "Mars without Venus." Eugene was particularly close to the Marquis de la Moussaye and a legend sprang up about an occurrence when they were at sea during a fierce storm. The Marquis assured the Prince that they were safe, since "We are sodomites destined to perish only by fire."
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