Tuesday 9 August 2011

"Sodomy" in History: Aug 9th

1855 — A Cleveland newspaper reports that two men were found "stripped naked" in a puddle after a rainstorm, then adds sarcastically, "It is supposed they were cleaning out the gutter."
1935 — The Governor of Oregon announces that he will not pardon any convicted sex criminals unless they are sterilized sexually. He also says that, following the lead of Nazi Germany, he will look into expanding the state’s sterilization law.
1963 — A Pennsylvania court finds a man guilty of sodomy even though his alleged victim admitted he lied.
1982 — The Michigan Supreme Court overturns the gross indecency conviction of a man for soliciting an undercover police officer for sex for money. The Court says that a third party would have to be involved in order to allow the conviction to stand.
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