Saturday 10 September 2011

LGBT "Activists", from Matt & Andrej Biographies.

Matt & Andrej Kowalsky "Biographies of Famous GLTB People (Or who tried it at least once...)" lists an extensive collection of short biographies, with an indication in the headline for each entry if the country of origin, dates and main occupation or claim to queer fame. The list below is a selection from the full listing of those who are described as "activists" or social reformers,  who are no longer alive.

For a companion listing of those who are listed as "living" (at least at the time of posting), see the entry at "Ir's a Queer World").


Handl, Michael Activist

de Oliveira, Francisco Activist

Mascarenhas, João António de Souza Activist

Coates, Dr. Randy AIDS researcher

Courte, Bernard René Activist, writer

Egan, Jim Activist

Flood, Maurice Activist

Hislop, George Activist

Hodder, Wilson Activist

Irwin, Maureen Social activist, lobbysit GLTB rights

Merrill, Michael Gay activist

Ignasse, Gérard Bach Activist, lecturer

Meyer-Genton, Jean Pierre Activist

Brand, Adolf Activist, publisher

Friedlaender, Benedict Gay rights advocate

Heymann, Linda Gustava Radical feminist, memoirist

McLean, Sharley Lesbian activist

Consoli, Massimo Activist

Brongersma, Edward Activist

Manus, Rosa Feminist, suffragist

Michiels van Kessenich, Floris Gay activist
Puerto Rico

Capetillo Perone, Luisa Feminist

Chew, Paddy AIDS activist
South Africa

Nkoli, Simon Anti-apartheid, gay-rights & AIDS activist

Cardin, Alberto Essayist, activist

Hellman, Allan Activist

Meier, Karl "Rolf" Gay activist

Carpenter, Edward Reformer, poet, philosopher

Cave, Dudley Scott Gay rights campaigner

Craig, Paul Activist

Hill, Octavia Social reformer

Mackworth, Margaret Suffragette

Mellors, Bob Activist

Addams, Jane Social reformer

Anthony, Susan B. Women's rights advocate - [+ Anna Dickinson]

Baker, Donald F. Activist

Baker, Ken Gay activist

Ben, Lisa Activist, singer/songwriter

Blackwell, Alice Stone Activist, feminist

Boozer, Melvin Activist, politician

Call, Harold L. Activist

Cameron, Barbara Activist

Campbell, Bobbi AIDS activist

Channell, Carl "Spitz" Fundraiser for Nicaraguan contras

Chapman Catt, Carrie Suffragist

Cooke, Welmore Alfred Activist

Dewson, Mary "Molly" Economist, political organizer

Di Sabato, Joe Activist

Donaldson, Stephen Activist

Durham, Pat Activist

Ellis, Ruth African-American activist

Foster, Jim M. Gay activist

Gerber, Henry Activist

Gittings, Barbara Lesbian activist, editor, bibliographer

Hardwick, Michael Activist

Henningson, Burt Activst

Herzenberg, Joseph Historian, political activist

Hetrick, Emery Activist, educator

Hutchins, Grace Labour-reform activist

Inman, Richard A. Gay activist

Marot, Helen Labor activist

Martin, Robert Activist

Nyathi, Pangi Gay activist

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