Saturday 24 September 2011

Sodomy in History, September 24

September 24

1731 — Twenty-two men are strangled and burned for sodomy in Faan, the Netherlands. Two die under torture. A total of 96 Gay men are executed in the years 1730-1731, 36% of the total from 1701-1809.
1813 — In England, James Williams is entrapped by a man he tries to pick up. A prearranged meeting had been set up and a third party is invited as a witness to the solicitation.
1957 — An Austrian committee recommends repeal of that nation’s sodomy law, but it will take 14 years for the repeal to happen.
1992 — The Kentucky Supreme Court strikes down the state’s same-sex-only sodomy law both as an invasion of privacy and a denial of equal protection of the laws. The decision declares Gay men and Lesbians to be a "suspect classification" under the state constitution for discrimination purposes.

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