Tuesday 18 October 2011

Catharina Isabella "Ien" Dales, Dutch Politician

b. October 18, 1931
d. January 10, 1994

Born in Arnhem.  Miss Dales, a career politician and member of the Labor Party, was elected to Parliament in 1981, mayor of Nijmegen from 1987 to 1989, Deputy Minister for Social Affairs from 1981 to 1982, and Minister of Home Affairs 1989-1994.  

Some sources claim that she was "often rumoured to be lesbian, and was finally outed after her death by the Dutch prime-minister Ruud Lubbers". However, a scholarly article about diversity management in Dutch employment practices, groups her with Pim Fortuyn and  Boris Dittrich as prominent Dutch politicians who were open about their homosexuality.

Ien Dales (Dutch Labour Party, died in office in 1994), the late Pim Fortuyn (founder of the right- wing LPF Party, murdered in 2001) and Boris Dittrich (D66, Social–Liberal Party leader up to 2004) were all open about their homosexuality and championed equal rights for this group

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