Sunday 27 November 2011

November 27th in Queer History

Born this day

Katharine Anthony (1877 – 1965) US
Author, a biographer best known for The Lambs (1945), a controversial study of the British writers Charles and Mary Lamb. She became a public school teacher by 1910, working in Arkansas. By 1920 she was living in Manhattan with her life-partner Elisabeth Irwin (1880–1942), the founder of the Little Red School House, with whom she raised several adopted children.

Edmund John (1883 – 1917 ) UK
Poet of the Uranian school. His verses were modeled on the Symbolist poetry of Swinburne and other earlier poets. Much of his work was condemned by critics for being overly decadent and unfashionable. He fought in the First World War but was invalided out in 1916. He died a year later in Taormina, Sicily.

Nicole Brossard ( 1943 –  ) Canadian
French Canadian formalist poet and novelist.

Terry Baum (1946 – ) US.
Playwright, playwright who in 2004, ran for the United States House of Representatives as a member of the Green Party, against House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

John Aravosis (1963 – )  US.
Author and activist, Democratic political consultant, writer, gay activist and blogger. Aravosis, an attorney who lives in Washington, D.C., is the founder of AMERICAblog and a co-founder of

Marc Ramsbottom (1963 –  ) UK.
Politician, a Manchester city councillor and parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Democrats.

Adam Shankman (1964 – ) US.
Film director, producer, dancer, actor, and choreographer. He has been a judge on the television program So You Think You Can Dance since Season 3. He began his professional career in musical theater, and was a dancer in music videos for Paula Abdul and Janet Jackson. Shankman also choreographed one of the Spice Girls' tours. He has directed several feature-length films, including A Walk to Remember, Bringing Down the House, and Hairspray.

Shy Love ( 1978 – ) US
Porn Actress, stage name of an American pornographic actress, of Sicilian and Puerto Rican descent. She has been active in the porn industry since 2003.
In a 2007 interview with Gamelink, she said her relationship with her husband was only the third real relationship with a man she had ever had, that theirs was an open relationship, and she likes to play with other women

Died this day

Guido Gezelle (1830 - 1899)
Belgian priest and poet, born in Brugge as Guido Pieter Theodorus Josephus Gezelle. He is considered by the Belgians as one of their greatest poets.

Magnus Enckell (1870 - 1925 ) Finnish .
Painter, the first Finnish painter to break with Naturalism, Enckell was homosexual, as seems indicated in some erotic portraits which were quite uninhibited for their time. As Routledge's "Who's who in gay and lesbian history" puts it, "His love affairs with men have not been denied ... Enckell's naked men and boys are openly erotic and sensual."

Harvey Milk (1930 - 1978) US.
Politician, who became the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in California when he won a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Politics and gay activism were not his early interests; he was not open about his homosexuality and did not participate in civic matters until around the age of 40, after his experiences in the counterculture of the 1960s.

Milk served almost 11 months in office and was responsible for passing a stringent gay rights ordinance for the city, before being. assassinated on November 27, 1978,

Despite his short career in politics, Milk became an icon in San Francisco and "a martyr for gay rights", according to University of San Francisco professor Peter Novak.[1] In 2002, Milk was called "the most famous and most significantly open LGBT official ever elected in the United States"

Jerry Hunt (1943 - 1993 ) US
Composer who created works using live electronics partly controlled by his ritualistic performance techniques, influenced by his interest in the occult. He committed suicide in response to terminal cancer.

Simon Bailey (1955 - 1995) UK
Anglican priest, and a sexually active gay man who contracted HIV. He learned that he had the virus just as he took up the position of Rector of Dinnington in South Yorkshire. When he became too unwell to conceal his condition from the people around him he informed the diocesan authorities and gradually introduced the news to his own parishioners. Though not the only Anglican priest at that time to be HIV-positive, and eventually to develop AIDS, he was the first to stay in parish ministry, continuing to celebrate the Eucharist until only a few weeks before his death. The priest visibly dying among the people to whom he ministered was a powerful symbol of Christ, evocative of the line, 'The wounded surgeon plies the steel', in East Coker by T. S. Eliot.

Daniel Farson (1927 - 1997 ) UK.
British writer and broadcaster, who was a popular television personality and prominent public figure in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

Douglas LePan 1914 - 1998 ) Canadian.
Diplomat, poet, novelist and professor of literature. In 1990 he created something of a sensation with Far Voyages, a volume largely composed of gay love poetry. Although he had married, and had two children,the marriage was a difficult one, not least of all over issues relating to sexual orientation.

Alan Freeman (1927 - 2006) Australian.
British disc jockey and radio personality in the United Kingdom for 40 years. In March 1994 Freeman revealed on breakfast television that he had become celibate in 1981, but had been bisexual. He was memorably described by Graham Chapman as being "...keen on motor bikes and leather and men"

Jane Rule (1931 - 2007 ) Canadian.
Writer of lesbian-themed novels and non-fiction. She claimed she was a tomboy growing up and felt like an outsider for reaching six feet tall and being dyslexic. When she was 15 she read The Well of Loneliness and wrote later, "suddenly discovered that I was a freak."

In 1964, Rule published "Desert of the Heart", which featured two women who fall in love with each other and caused Rule to receive a flood of letters from "very unhappy, even desperate" women who felt they were alone and would be miserable. The novel caused her to be sought out by Canadian media, and Rule later wrote, "I became, for the media, the only lesbian in Canada. A role I gradually and very reluctantly accepted and used to educate people as I could."

The book was later made into a movie by Donna Deitch, released as "Desert Hearts" , which quickly became a lesbian classic. The Globe and Mail said of it, "the film is one of the first and most highly regarded works in which a lesbian relationship is depicted favourably."

Sodomy laws in history, November 27

1700 — Pennsylvania raises the penalty for sodomy to life imprisonment for whites and death for blacks. In addition, whites can be flogged every three months during the first year of confinement and, if married, castrated and automatically divorced.

1911 — The Washington Supreme Court upholds a sodomy conviction even though a witness gave contradictory and admittedly untrue evidence.

1956 — A California appellate court says that violations of the oral copulation law automatically make the defendant a vagrant as well.

1956 — The California Attorney General issues an opinion that the oral copulation law permits a jail sentence of less than a year, but that the crime against nature law does not.

1996 — The Austrian Parliament defeats, on a tie vote, a bill to lower the age of consent for sexual relations between men to the same age as between women or between a man and a woman.


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