Thursday 3 November 2011

November 3rd in Queer History

Events in LGBT History

2009: Maine, USA: People’s veto passed to refuse same-sex marriage
Washington State, USA People’s veto accepted same-sex marriage

Born this day

Benvenuto Cellini (1500 – 1571)  Italian Sculptor, Painter, Soldier, Musician, Author

Sculptor, goldsmith, memoirist, and flamboyant pederast, Benvenuto Cellini is one of the greatest artists in the history of Western art. He was the ultimate--that is to say, the last--Renaissance artist, for the free exploration and celebration of the sensual (particularly the homoeroticism) that inspired his genius and was a hallmark of Renaissance Florentine culture were soon aborted.

Lucie Delarue-Mardus ( 1874 –  1945) French  Author

French journalist, poet, novelist, sculptor, historian and designer. She was a prolific writer who produced more than 70 books.
She was married to the translator J. C. Mardrus from 1900 to 1915, but her primary sexual orientation was toward women. She was involved in affairs with several women throughout her lifetime, and wrote extensively of lesbian love.

Jeannette Howard Foster (1895 –  1981) US  Author, researcher in lesbian literature.

Researcher in the field of lesbian literature. She pioneered the study of popular fiction and ephemera in order to excavate lesbian themes both overt and covert, and her years of pioneering data collection culminated in her 1956 study Sex Variant Women in Literature, which has become a seminal resource in gay studies.

Jeremy Brett (1933 – 1995) UK  Actor

English actor, most famous for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes in four Granada TV series. Brett was bisexual, but intensely private. On 24 May 1958 he married the actress Anna Massey (daughter of Raymond Massey), but they divorced in 22 November 1962 after she claimed he left her for a man.

Terrence McNally (1939 – ) US  Playwright / Screenwriter / Librettist.

American playwright who has received four Tony Awards, an Emmy, and numerous others awards.

In 1997, McNally stirred up a storm of controversy with Corpus Christi, a modern day retelling of the story of Jesus' birth, ministry, and death in which both he and his disciples are portrayed as homosexual. In fact, the play was initially canceled because of death threats from extremist religious groups against the board members of the Manhattan Theatre Club which was to produce the play. However, several other playwrights such as Tony Kushner threatened to withdraw their plays if Corpus Christi was not produced, and the board finally relented. When the play opened, the theatre was besieged by almost 2,000 protesters, furious at what they considered blasphemy.

McNally married Thomas Kirdahy in Washington, D.C. on April 6, 2010.

Tee Corinne (1943 –  2006) US  Photographer, Author, Activist,Artist

Lesbian visual artist notable for the portrayal of sexuality in her artwork. Corinne came out in 1975, at which time she was in a relationship with Honey Lee Cottrell. Over the years, Corrine embarked upon relationships with Caroline Overman (early 1980s), Lee Lynch (mid 1980's) and Beverly Anne Brown (1989–2005)

Timothy Patrick Murphy (1959 – 1988) US  Actor

American actor, perhaps best known for his role as "Mickey Trotter" on the popular CBS prime time soap opera Dallas during the 1982–83 season. Murphy later contracted HIV and died of AIDS on December 6, 1988 in Sherman Oaks, California. He once stated that he'd had an affair with the allegedly bisexual actor Brad Davis, who had AIDS and committed assisted suicide in 1991.

Chuck Wolfe (1961 – ) US  Political Activist.

President and Chief Executive Officer of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, an American political action committee dedicated to growing the number of openly gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender elected officials in the United States.

Brenda Fassie (1964 – 2004) South African  Singer

South African pop singer. She was known for her "outrageousness" and widely considered a voice for disenfranchised blacks during apartheid. She was affectionately known as the "Queen of African Pop". In 1995 she was discovered in a hotel with the body of her lesbian lover, Poppie Sihlahla, who had died of an apparent overdose.Fassie underwent rehabilitation but still had drug problems and her own death in 2004 came after an overdose of cocaine.

Jim Stork (1966 – ) American. Businessman and local politician.

Torbjorn Urfjell (1977 –  ) Norwegian.  Local politician

Died this day

Marc Allegret (1900 – 1973) French  
Screenwriter and film director. Allégret became André Gide's lover when he was fifteen and Gide was forty-seven. Later, Marc was to fall briefly under the spell of Cocteau.

Aaron Bridgers (1918 - 2003) US  Musician

Sodomy laws in history, November 3

1916 — A California appellate court reverses the conviction of a man for fellatio, because the word "fellatio" in his indictment was not an English word in general knowledge.

1939 — The Maine Supreme Court rules that consent is no defense to a sodomy charge.

1967 — The Minnesota Supreme Court rejects the habeas corpus petition of a man in prison for 9 years for sodomy. He claims the public defender made unspecified "promises" to induce him to plead guilty.

1983 — The Hawaii Supreme Court rules that the state’s broadly worded privacy amendment to the state constitution is actually very narrow in focus, covering only the so-called "fundamental rights" as enunciated by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Hawaii court specifically says that it does not protect sodomy as a right.


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