Friday 10 February 2012

February 10 th in Queer History

Born this day

Bill Tilden  (1893 –  1953) US

Charles Henri Ford  (1913 –  2002) US
Author / Poet / Director / Photographer / Artist / Editor

John Gilpin  (1930 –  1983) UK
Ballet / Actor

Michael Bishop  (1942 –  ) UK
Businessman UK Businessman

Peter Allen  (1944 –  1992) Australian
Singer / Songwriter / Entertainer

Jean-Daniel Cadinot ( -  2008) French

Ellen Marie Barret (1946 - ) US
The first openly lesbian priest ordained by the American Episcopal Church

Conrad Cummings  (1948 – ) US

Jeffrey John  (1953 –  ) UK
Anglican priest, and Dean of St Alban's Cathedral. He has been twice nominated as bishop, and twice passed over on account of his sexuality and civil partnership.

John Berry (1954 - ) US
Government Official

Anne Kaiser  (1968 –  ) US

Nichcalo Dion Crayton [Jazzmun]  (1969 –  ) US
Drag Queen / Actor / Entertainer

Ivri Lider  (1974 – ) Israeli
Singer / Musician

Brent Everett (1984– ) Canadian
Porn / Director / Actor 

Died this day

Paul Monette (1945 - 1995 ) US
Author / Activist / Poet

Edgar de Evia  (1910 - 2003 ) Mexican / US

Gary Frisch  (1969  - 2007 ) UK ,

Sodomy in history, February 10th

1798 — Kentucky passes its own sodomy law after six years of living with the law of Virginia.

1831 — A new criminal code in Indiana repeals the state’s sodomy law, but retains the common-law crimes reception statute. This makes sodomy a capital offense again.

1832 — Florida gives juries total discretion to sentence a sodomy (via the common-law reception law) defendant to the penitentiary or to a fine.

1872 — South Carolina passes a new criminal code, setting the penalty at five years in prison. The code retains the term "buggery."

1887 — Idaho eliminates the specific reference to life imprisonment for sodomy, but states no maximum.

1911 — In Germany, the League for the Protection of Mothers endorses repeal of the German sodomy law and opposes its extension to cover women, calling it "a serious mistake."

1950 — A Pennsylvania court convicts a man of sodomy as an accessory before the fact for driving two teenagers to a friends house and watching them have sex.


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