Sunday 26 February 2012

February 26th in Queer History

Born this day

Christopher Marlowe  (1564 – 1593), UK
English dramatist, poet and translator of the Elizabethan era. As the foremost Elizabethan tragedian,next to William Shakespeare, he is known for his blank verse, his overreaching protagonists and for the homoerotic situations and incidents which occur in his plays and poems more frequently and more variously that in any other major English Renaissance writer.

Two famous quotations attributed to him were "St John the Evangelist was bedfellow to Christ and leaned alwaies in his bosome, that he used him as the sinners of Sodoma" and "That all they that love not Tobacco & Boies were fooles". These may have been invented by his enemies, but they are in keeping with sentiments expressed or implies in his work.

Ferdinand I of Bulgaria (1861 – 1948),  Bulgarian
Prince. Ferdinand's bisexuality was both well-known and exploited throughout European diplomatic circles. It became the custom for visiting dignataries seeking favour from Ferdinand to be accompanied by a handsome young equerry and Ferdinand's regular holidays on Capri, then a famous haunt for wealthy gay men, was common knowledge in royal courts throughout Europe.

Mabel Dodge Luhan  (1879 – 1962), US
A wealthy American patron of the arts. She is particularly associated with the Taos art colony. She was actively bisexual during her early life and frankly details her passionate physical encounters with young women in her autobiography Intimate Memories

Christopher Gillis  (1951 – 1993), Canadian
Dancer and choreographer and member of the Paul Taylor Dance Company.

Jerry Mills (1951 – 1993), US
Gay cartoonist, noted particularly for his creation of the "Poppers" comic strip. The strip told of the adventures of Billy, a West Hollywood muscleboy, and his sidekick Yves (based on Mills), a big-hearted nebbish who offered good advice and caution (usually unheeded) for his glamorous friend.

Andrew Olexander  (1965 –  ), Australian
Openly gay politician. He was an independent member of the Victorian Legislative Council, after being expelled from the parliamentary Liberal Party, following a drink driving incident.

Josephine Wiggs  (1965 – ),  UK
Indie/alternative rock musician, noted for her work with the bands The Perfect Disaster, The Breeders, and Dusty Trails.

Died this day

Constance Ford (1923 - 1993), US
Actress and model, best known for her long-running role as Ada Hobson on the daytime soap opera Another World.

Jose Quintero (1924 - 1999), Panamanian
Theatre director, producer and pedagogue best known for his interpretations of the works of Eugene O'Neill.

Sodomy in history, February 26th

1897 — An all-male house of prostitution is raided in Eureka, Utah. The owner and three prostitutes are arrested.

1915 — Nevada enacts a broadly worded vagrancy law that prohibits only males from being out late at night for purposes of lewd or dissolute conduct.

1943 — Oklahoma outlaws solicitation for a sexual act.

1955 — Wyoming raises the maximum penalty for sodomy from 5 years to 10 years.

1986 — The Oklahoma Court of Appeals rules that the state’s crime against nature law can not be constitutionally applied to people of the opposite sex, but makes no ruling on the same sex, since it was not at issue in the case.


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