Wednesday 8 February 2012

February 8th in Queer History

Born this day

Georgette LeBlanc (1875 –  1941) French 
Singer / Author

Ralph Chubb (1892 –  1960) US
Poet / Artist

Elizabeth Bishop (1911 –  1979) US

Jack Larson (1928 –  ) US
Actor / Producer / Screenwriter / Composer

James Dean (1955 - 1931)
US Actor

Paul Codde (1950 – ) Belgian
Actor / Presenter

Rosario Crocetta (1951 – ) Italian

Joshua Kadison (1963 – ) US
Singer / Songwriter / Pianist / Author

Nicole LeFavour (1964 – ) US
Politician / Teacher

Carlos Montenegro [aka Fredy Navas] (1972 – ) Argentina
Porn / Bodybuilder / Personal Trainer / Dancer / Model

Erik Rhodes (1982 – ) US
Porn / Model

Jim Verraros (1983 – ) US
Reality TV

Raci Ignacio (1985 – ) Filipino
Reality TV

Died this day

Derya Y (? - 2010 ) Turkish
 Hate Crime Victim

Sodomy in history, February

1791 — New Hampshire restricts its sodomy law to male-male acts only, and retains the death penalty.

1826 — Delaware lowers the penalty for sodomy from death to 60 lashes given publicly, a $1,000 fine, and three years of solitary confinement in prison.

1854 — Texas amends its common-law reception statute to create specific penalties for common-law crimes, thus eliminating the death penalty for sodomy.

1949 — Georgia reduces the penalty for sodomy from compulsory life imprisonment to 1-10 years.

1960 — A California appellate court upholds the constitutionality of the state’s oral copulation law.

1963 — The District of Columbia Court of Appeals upholds the solicitation conviction of a man with the corroborating evidence that he had put forth no character witnesses for himself.

1973 — The Alabama Supreme Court upholds the constitutionality of the state’s sodomy law.


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