Sunday 11 March 2012

March 11th in Queer History

Born this day

Henry Cowell  (1897 –  1965) US

Bill Siksay  (1955 – ),  Canadian
Politician / Activist

Benjamin Edward Knox  (1957 – )  US
Drag Queen [The Lady Chablis] / Actor

Mary Gauthier  (1962 – ),  US

David LaChappelle  (1963 – ),  US
Photographer / Director

John Barrowman  (1967 – ),  UK
Actor / Singer / Presenter

Christopher Rice  (1978 – ),US

Died this day

Elagabalus (203  - 222) Roman 

F. W. Murnau  (1888 - 1931), German

Dora Carrington (1893 - 1932) UK
Dora de Houghton Carrington, known generally as simply "Carrington", was a British painter and decorative artist, remembered in part for her association with members of the Bloomsbury Group, especially the writer Lytton Strachey. Distinguished by her cropped pageboy hair style (before it was fashionable) and somewhat androgynous appearance, she was troubled by her sexuality; she is known to have had at least one lesbian affair (with Henrietta Bingham). She also had a significant relationship with the writer Gerald Brenan.

Peter Karlsson  (1966 - 1995 ) Swedish
Ice Hockey

Joel E Siegel  (1943/1940 - 2004) US
Professor / Film & Music Critic / Music Producer / Lyricist

Jason Gage (1976 - 2005 ) US
Hate Crime Victim

Sodomy in history, March

1647 — In England, Domingo Drago, a colonial black, is accused of "buggery" with William Wraxall, a "boy."
1839Wisconsin adopts its own criminal code, and sets the penalty for sodomy at 1-5 years, less severe than the Michigan law it had received when organized by Congress in 1836.
1869 — A cartoon in a Vienna newspaper comments on Gay cruising in public parks.
1903Pennsylvania becomes the second state to permit a divorce if one spouse commits the "crime against nature."
1955 — The Tennessee Supreme Court reaffirms its 1943 decision that fellatio violates the state’s "crime against nature" law, but this time publishes its opinion.
1961 — A committee of the New Mexico Senate kills the proposed criminal code revision that would have repealed the state’s consensual sodomy law.
1976 — West Virginia passes a new sexual offenses law and repeals its sodomy law, although it retains common-law crimes.
1982 — Wyoming abrogates common-law crimes, five years after repealing its sodomy law.
1994 — The Fifth Circuit rules that a priest can not sustain invasion of privacy damages for release of a videotape of him engaging in sexual relations with another male.
1996 — The Georgia Supreme Court upholds the constitutionality of the state’s sodomy law.


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