Thursday 29 March 2012

March 29th in Queer History

Born this day

Cardinal Carlo Carafa  (1517 - 1561),
Catholic cardinal, who was appointed by his uncle, Paul IV, who protected him from assorted accusations of  avarice, cruelty and licentiousness, as well as for sodomy. In January 1559, Paul IV finally accepted the accuracy of the accusations made and exiled Carlo from Rome.
After thedeath of Paul IV he was imprisoned and judged by the new pope, Pius IV , for a lengthy series of crimes ranging from homicide to heresy, which also included  sodomy, for which. Carlo was condemned and executed.

Dora Carrington (1893 - 1932) UK
Dora de Houghton Carrington, known generally as simply "Carrington", was a British painter and decorative artist, remembered in part for her association with members of the Bloomsbury Group, especially the writer Lytton Strachey. Distinguished by her cropped pageboy hair style (before it was fashionable) and somewhat androgynous appearance, she was troubled by her sexuality; she is known to have had at least one lesbian affair (with Henrietta Bingham). She also had a significant relationship with the writer Gerald Brenan.

Sir Richard Rodney Bennett  (1936 –  )  UK

John Laird  (1950 – ) US
Politician / Activist

Victor Salva  (1958 – )  US

Paddy Chew  (1960 –1999 ) Singaporean
Choreographer / Actor / Activist

Matt McCoy  (1966 – )  US

Thomas Bickman [aka Tomboy]  (1975 – )  Danish
Reality TV [Big Brother] / Presenter / Singer

Jay Brannan  (1982 – ) US
Actor / Singer / Songwriter

Died this day

Karl Meier   (1897 - 1974 )  Swiss 
Entertainer / Director / Editor

Jeanne-Paule Marie Deckers, The Singing Nun (1933 - 1985) Belgian
Nun / Singer

Antony Hamilton  (1952 -1995)  Australian
Actor / Model / Dancer – Born 4th May

Hollis Sigler  (1948 – 2001),  US
Chicago-based openly lesbian artist whose paintings addressed her life with breast cancer.

Sodomy in history, March

1951Arizona raises the penalty for sodomy from 1-5 years to 5-20 years.
1962Kentucky outlaws "indecent conduct" with a person over 15, which probably covers oral sex.
1967 Nevada lowers its penalty for the "crime against nature" from 1 year-life to 1-6 years.
1979 — A California appellate court upholds the right of the state to prosecute consensual sexual relations of prisoners even though non-prisoners have the right to consensual sex.
1995 Pennsylvania repeals its court-voided sodomy law 15 years after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court struck it down.


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