Thursday 11 April 2013

April 11th in Queer History

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Born this day

Marion Dickerman   (1890 –  1983)  US

Glenway Wescott  (1901 –  )  US

Emilio Colombo  (1920 – )  Italian
Politician / Diplomat

Joop Braakhekke  (1941 – ) Dutch
Presenter / Chef

Dorothy Allison  (1949 – ) US
Author / Poet / Screenwriter

Michael Callen  (1955 – 1993) US
Singer / Songwriter / Composer / Author / Musician / Activist

Sadie Benning  (1973 – )  US Director / Musician / Artist
Chet Lam  (1976 – ) Hong Kong Singer / Songwriter

Sodomy in history, 
April 11

1780 — William Smith and Theodosius Reed are pilloried in England for attempted sodomy. They are attacked by a crowd throwing objects, killing Smith. The London Morning Post endorsed the crowd’s actions.
1900 — The Iowa Supreme Court upholds the conviction of a man for threatening another man unless he fellated him.
1925 — The Kansas Supreme Court rules that fellatio is outlawed by the "crime against nature" statute.
1950 — New York becomes the first state in the nation to reduce the penalty for consensual sodomy from a felony to a misdemeanor, with a maximum penalty of six months.
1955 — The Mississippi Supreme Court rules that fellatio is a "crime against nature."
1963 — A New York appellate court upholds the sodomy conviction of five prisoners for consensual sexual relations in their cells.
1986 — A Louisiana appellate court rules that masturbation does not violate the state’s sodomy law.


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