Tuesday 2 April 2013

April 2nd in Queer History

Born this day

Hans Christian Anderson  (1805 – 1875)  Danish
Author / Poet

Job Frieszo (1957 - ), Dutch
Political Commentator

Serge Lifar (1905 - 1986 ) Russian 
French ballet dancer and choreographer of Ukrainian origin, famous as one of the greatest male ballet dancers of the 20th century.

Bob Ross   (1934 –  2003)  Canadian
Publisher / Activist

Camille Paglia  (1947 – )  US
Author / Teacher / Actress

Paul Gambaccini  (1949 – )  US / UK

Allan Corduner  (1950 – ) UK
Actor / Musician

David M Halperin  (1952 – )  US
Author / Professor

David Bohnett (1952 – )  US

Brian Hargrove  (1956 – )  US
Screenwriter / Producer

Deb Ruggiero  (1958 – ) US
Politician / Presenter

Sridhar Rangayan  (1962 – )  Indian
Director / Screenwriter / Producer

David McKay  (???? – )  US
Porn Studio Owner

Died this day

Filippo de Pisis   (1896 - 1956 )  Italian

Bunney Brooke (1921 –2000) Australian

Terenci Moix (1942 – 2003) Spanish 
Catalan writer who wrote in Spanish and in Catalan. He is also the brother of poet/novelist Anna Maria Moix. An annual literature prize, the Terenci Moix Fundación Arena de Narrativa Gay y Lésbica bears his name.

Chris Kanyon (1970 –  2010) US
Professional wrestler, best known for his work in World Championship Wrestling and the World Wrestling Federation, under the ring names Chris Kanyon and Mortis.
In 2006, after Kanyon's release from WWE, he began a gimmick in which he was an openly homosexual pro wrestler. This included a publicity stunt wherein he stated that WWE released him from his contract because of his sexuality. Kanyon later told reporters and even stated on a number of radio interviews, that this was just a publicity stunt and he was heterosexual. However, he later retracted these statements and acknowledged that he was in fact homosexual

Sodomy in history, 
April 2

1790Tennessee receives North Carolina law, including its capital sodomy law.
1906New Jersey prohibits "private lewdness," which apparently includes oral sex.
1907 Iowa prohibits sending anyone convicted of sodomy to the state Reformatory. All must go to the Penitentiary.
1952 — A New York court dismisses the disorderly conduct charge of a man who asked an undercover police officer to go to his apartment for "fun."
1974Kentucky passes a new criminal code that reduces the penalty for sodomy from a felony to a misdemeanor, makes the law applicable only to people of the same sex.
1980 Pennsylvania eliminates sodomy as a ground for divorce.


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