Wednesday 16 May 2012

May 16th in Queer History

Born this day

Tamara de Lempicka  (1898 – 1980)   Polish

Liberace  (1919 - 1987 ) US

Adrienne Rich  (1929 – )  US
Poet / Author

Bianca Hagenbeek  (1967 – )  Dutch
Reality TV [Big Brother]

Truus Druyts  (1970 – )  Belgian
Actress / Singer / Presenter

Megan Fox  (1986 – ) US
Actress / Model

Died this day

John Henry MacKay  (1864– 1933) UK
Author / Anarchist

Frances Benjamin Johnston  (1864 - 1952)  US
Photographer / Photojournalist

Marion Dickerman  (1890 - 1983)  US

Julio Argueta  (????–2005) El Salvador
Murder Victim – Born

Sean William Kennedy (1987 –2007)  US
Hate Crime Victim

Terry Ryan (1946– 2007) US

Sodomy in history, May 16 

1913 — Arizona passes a new criminal code and extends its sodomy law to cover fellatio, but not cunnilingus. The code also permits a wife to testify at her discretion either for or against her husband if he is on trial for the "crime against nature." It also reduces the penalty to a maximum of 5 years in prison.
1953 — The Georgia Court of Appeals rejects a civil suit by a mother against a theatre for employing a man who had sex with her son.
1957 — The Virgin Islands outlaws oral sex.
1977 — Alabama passes a new criminal code that abrogates common-law crimes and reduces the penalty for sodomy from a felony to a misdemeanor, with a penalty of up to one year in jail. Married couples are exempted from its coverage.
2000 — The Louisiana Supreme Court strikes down the state’s law against "obscene devices," finding a constitutional right to them.


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