Monday 6 May 2013

May 6th in Queer History

Born this day

Luiz Mott  (1946 –) Brazilian
Anthropologist / Activist / Historian / Columnist / Researcher

Olga Broumas  (1949 – ) Greek / US

Man Parrish  (1958 – ) US
Musician / Record Producer

Larry Steinbachek  (1960 – )  UK

Charlene Strong  (1963 – ) US

Dan Castle  (1966 – ) US
Director / Producer / Screenwriter

Kelly van der Veer  (1980 – ) Dutch
Reality TV [Big Brother] / Singer / Actress

Died this day

Alexander von Humboldt  (1769 - 1859)  German

Konstantin Somov (1869 –  1939) Russian
Artist associated with the Mir iskusstva. He was the son of a curator at the Hermitage, and he attended the St Petersburg Academy of Art from 1888 to 1897, studying under the Realist painter Il’ya Repin from 1894. In 1897 and again in 1898–9 he went to Paris and attended the studios of Filippo Colarossi and of Whistler. Neither the Realism of his Russian teachers nor the evanescent quality of Whistler’s art was reflected for long in Somov’s work. He turned instead for inspiration to the Old Masters in the Hermitage and to works of contemporary English and German artists, which he knew from visits abroad and from the art journals.

Monty Woolley  (1888 - 1963)  US
Actor / Director

Hibiscus [George Harris Jr]   (1949 - 1982)   US
Drag Queen / Entertainer

Adolfo Constanzo (1962 – 1989),  US.
Serial Killer. Born in Miami, Florida, he visited Mexico City in 1983, where he recruited two younger men to be his servants, lovers and disciples. Over the next few years he became the leader of a full-fledged religion with drug dealers, musicians and even police officers under his command. The religion, based in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, on the U.S.-Mexico border, sold drugs, held high-priced religious ceremonies, and by 1987 at the latest, murdered people for use in human sacrifices. These victims fell along with the religion's rivals in dealing drugs.

Marlene Dietrich (1901 –  1992) German / US 
German-American actress and singer, who remained popular throughout her long career by continually re-inventing herself, professionally and characteristically. In 1999, the American Film Institute named Dietrich the ninth greatest female star of all time.
Dietrich's personal life was kept out of public view. Dietrich, who was bisexual, enjoyed the thriving gay scene of the time and drag balls of 1920s Berlin.

Fred Sadoff   (1926 - 1994)  US

Pim Fortuyn  (1948 - 2002 ) Dutch
Politician / Murder Victim

Amancio Corrales  (1982 - 2005) US
Drag Queen / Murder Victim

Noleen Jansen  ( ???? - 2005)  Namibian
Murder Victim

Lorne Saxberg  (1958 - 2006) Canadian Presenter / Journalist

Jack Frew  (1993 - 2010)  UK
Murder Victim

Sodomy in history, May 6th

1691New York becomes a royal colony and the 1665 buggery law is replaced by the English buggery statute.
1897 — The California Supreme Court rules that fellatio is not a "crime against nature."
1899 — The Vermont Supreme Court rules that sodomy is indictable under the state’s common-law reception statute. It also says that, since there is no specific penalty set, the penalty is left to the discretion of the trial judge.
1942 — The New York Post reports that Senator David Walsh (D-MA), Chair of the Senate Naval Intelligence Committee, is the Senator mentioned as a frequenter of the New York City male brothel raided by police earlier in the year.


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