Sunday 21 October 2012

October 21st in LGBT History

Born this day

Claire Waldoff ( 1884 –  1957 ) German
Singer / Entertainer 

William Dale Jennings ( 1917 –  2000 ) US 
Author / Activist 

Fred Sadoff (1926 - 1994) US 

Doeschka Meijsing (1947 - ) Dutch 
Writer, born in Eindhoven. She won the AKO Literatuurprijs in 2000 for her novel "De tweede man", and in 2008 the Ferdinand Bordewijk Prize for her novel "Over de liefde" ("About Love").

Scott Smith  (1948 – 1995 ) US 
Activist [Lover of Harvey Milk]

Peter Mandelson (1953 – ) UK
Politician. During the last Labour government, Mandelson was one of the most powerful politicians in the UK - and openly gay,after being outed by the gay former MP Matthew Parris

Fred Hersch (1955 - ) US
American jazz pianist and composer, born in Cincinnati, Ohio.

John C Goss  ( 1958 – )  US
Artist / Author 

Mark Finch  ( 1961 – 1995  ) UK 
Actor / Film Promoter 

Trev Broudy 1968 –  ) US 
Actor / Presenter / Model / Hate Crime Victim 

Died this day

Pietro Aretino  ( 1492 – 1556) Italian
Author / Playwright / Poet 

Jack Kerouac  ( 1922 – 1969 ) US 
Author / Poet / Artist 

Sodomy in history, October 21st

1893 — The New Orleans Mascot features a cover picture of their concept of two Lesbians with the heading: "Good God! The Crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah Discounted."
1985 — The Louisiana Supreme Court upholds that part of the crime against nature law that includes solicitation for money.


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