Monday 29 October 2012

October 29th in LGBT History

Saint's Day

Cross-dressing saint

Born this day

Ann-Marie MacDonald (1958 – ) Canadian.  
Author, playwright, novelist, actor and broadcast journalist, who won the Commonwealth Writers Prize for her first novel, Fall on Your Knees, and has received the Governor General's Award for Literary Merit. She is married to the playwright and theatre director Alisa Palmer

Nicole Conn (1959 – ) US.  
Film director, producer, and screenwriter most famous for her debut feature, the lesbian love story, Claire of the Moon (1992).In 2004, POWER UP! named Conn one of the top ten gay women in show business.

Karin Giphart ( 1968 – ) Dutch 
Author and singer-songwriter. On her thirtieth she recognized that she was a lesbian.

Died this day

Charles Coypeau d’Assoucy (1605 - 1677 ) French.  
Musician and burlesque poet, part of a group of "free spirits" around the philosopher Pierre Gassendi, which also included Cyrano de Bergerac, Tristan l'Hermite, Saint-Amant, Paul Scarron, and Molière. It has been suggested that d'Assoucy was for a time Cyrano's lover, although they later fell out, and attacked each other with their pens.

Guthrie McClintic ( 1893 - 1961 ) US.  
Successful theatre director, film director and producer based in New York, who was joined in lavender marriages to actress Estelle Winwood, and then to actress Katharine Cornell--herself a lesbian—for forty years.

Richard Hall (1926 - 1992 ) US. 
Writer of novels, short stories, plays, and critical writings, who focused almost exclusively on issues of gay identity and community.

Gerald Arpino (1923 - 2008) US.  
Dancer and choreographer, the artistic director and co-founder of The Joffrey Ballet. Joffrey died of AIDS in 1988

 Axel Axgil, ( - 2012) Danish
Gay activist, whose struggle for gay rights helped make Denmark the first country to legalize same-sex partnerships.  He and his partner  Eigel were one of the first group of eleven couples to be "married" in Denmark, on October 1st 1989, the start of the worldwide move to marriage equality.

In the 1950s, both men had been sentenced on pornography charges to short prison terms for running a gay modeling agency that issued pictures of naked men.
The men melded their first names into a new surname, Axgil, and used it in a public show of defiance.

Sodomy in history, October 29th

1649 — In Plymouth, Richard Berry accuses Teage Joanes of having sexual relations with him. Berry admits the falseness of the charge and is flogged.


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