Monday 12 November 2012

November 12th in Queer History

Born this day

St Augustine of Hippo(354 - 430 ) Tagaste, North Africa.
In his writing he discusses his love for his closest friend saying he contemplated joining him in death. "I felt that his soul and mine were one soul in two bodies."

Cardinal Francesco Maria de Medici(1660 – 1711) Italy.

Roland Barthes ( 1915 – 1980 ) French.
Literary Critic, Philosopher

Bob Crewe (1931 – ) US.
Record Producer

Cristina Peri Rossi (1941 –  ) Uruguayan / Spanish.
Author, Poet, Journalist

Stan Rosenberg (1949 –  ) US.

Les McKeown (1955 –  ) UK.

Eric Marcus (1958 –  ) US

Megan Mullaly (1958 –  ) US
Singer, Actress, Presenter

Alan Davey (1960 –  ) UK.
Chief Executive of the Arts Council

Cristina E Martinez (1961 – )  US.

Christopher Cabaldon (1965 – ) US.

Kathleen Hanna (1968 –  ) US.
Musician / Singer

Paul Magrs ( 1969 –  ) UK.

Craig Parker ( 1970 –  ) New Zealand.

Tevin Campbell ( 1976 – ) US.

Andrew Kinlochan (1978 – ) UK.
Singer,Reality TV [Popstars: The Rivals]

Ricky Sinz (1980 –  ) US.
Porn , Mixed Martial Arts, Soldier

Died this day

F Holland Day (1864 - 1933)  US

Patrick Cowley (1950 - 1982) US.
Record Producer

David Oliver (1962 - 1992 ) US.

Johannes Kerkorrel (1960 - 2002 ) South African.
Singer / Journalist

Sodomy laws in history, November 12

1875 — Washington Territory enacts a vagrancy law covering "disorderly persons." Since there is no sodomy law in the territory, this is the only law that can cover acts of sodomy.

1947 — A New York appellate court overturns the sodomy conviction of a "man of education and culture" accused by a mentally retarded vagrant, thus showing class bias.

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