Sunday 30 December 2012

December 30th in Queer History

Events this day in queer history

2008 - ACLU sues the state of Arkansas, in the USA, arguing that the state's ban on same-sex adoptions is unconstitutional

Born this day

Beauford Delaney (1901 – 1979) US  

Modernist painter. In Greenwich Village, where his studio was, Delaney became part of a gay bohemian circle of mainly white friends; but he was furtive and rarely comfortable with his sexuality.

Paul Bowles (1910 - 1999), US.   
Gay American expatriate composer, writer, and translator Paul Bowles liked to examine sexuality from a dispassionate perspective for its psychological suggestiveness. Bowles's literary reputation rests on his novels, but until he was thirty-five he showed more interest in musical composition and poetry.

Sverker Astrom (1915 – ) Swedish
Former Swedish diplomat from 1940 to 1982, who came out as gay aged 88.  While in service, he had felt unable to come out publicly, but had disclosed his sexuality to his superiors, to avoid any risk of blackmail.  

Mike Lawlor (1956 – )  US 
Politician, criminal justice professor, and lawyer who served as a member of the Connecticut House of Representatives from 1987 to 2011.

Douglas Coupland (1961 – ) Canadian
Novelist, whose fiction is complemented by recognized works in design and visual art arising from his early formal training. Coupland has been described as "...possibly the most gifted exegete of North American mass culture writing today" and "one of the great satirists of consumerism". A specific feature of Coupland's novels is their synthesis of postmodern religion, Web 2.0 technology, human sexuality, and pop culture.

Kevin Greening ( 1962 - 2007 )  UK 
Radio presenter, who co-hosted the BBC Radio 1 breakfast show with Zoe Ball from 1997 to 1998.

Michelle Douglas (1963 – ) Canadian 
Human rights activist who was involved in a landmark case around lesbian and gay equality rights, which led to the Canadian military abandoning its policy banning gays and lesbians from service/

Sophie Ward (1964 – ) UK 
Actress and the daughter of actor, Simon Ward. In 1996 her marriage broke down when she became involved with Rena Brannan, a female Korean-American writer.

Ivelin Yordanov (1978 –) Bulgarian 

Died this day

Denton Welch (1915 - 1948 ) UK
English-American writer and painter, admired for his vivid prose and precise descriptions.

Sodomy in history, December 30th

1910 — In New York, two men are convicted of sodomy after police saw them speaking on a corner and followed them into a hotel, looking into their room through the transom.

1959 — The New York Court of Appeals upholds the loitering conviction of a Gay man, over the argument that there is insufficient evidence of solicitation.

1966 — The Arizona Supreme Court reverses the conviction of two men for sodomy because their conviction was based entirely on circumstantial evidence.

1975 — The Tennessee Supreme Court urges the legislature to reevaluate the state’s "crime against nature" law and hints that it may be unconstitutional.


On this gay day

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