Sunday 16 February 2014

February 16th in Queer History

Born this day

Katharine Cornell (1893 –  1974) US

John Schlesinger  (1926 –   2003)
US Actor / Director

Paul Bailey  (1937 –  ) UK

John Corigliano (1938 –  ) US

Steve Kmetko  (1953 – ) US

John Balance  (1962 – ) UK

Truong Tan  (1963 – ) Vietnamese

Michele Clarke  (1973 –  ) Trinidad & Tobago / Canadian
Director / Author

Aaron Tanner  (1973/75 – ) US

John Tartaglia  (1978 –  ) US
Actor / Puppeteer / Singer

Cameron Jackson  (1986 – ) Czech

Died this day

Baron Wilhelm von Gloeden  (1856 - 1931)  German

Keith Haring  (1958 - 1990 )  US
Artist and social activist whose work responded to the New York City street culture of the 1980s.

Karlien Carstens  (? - 2005 )Namibian
Murder Victim

Aycan Yener (?? – 2010 )Turkish
Hate Crime Victim

Sodomy in history, February 16th

1843 — The Iowa Territory passes its own criminal code and makes no reference to sodomy or common-law crimes, keeping it legal.

1923 — The Wisconsin Attorney General issues an opinion that any person convicted of sodomy can have a professional license taken away.

1945 — The District of Columbia Court of Appeals upholds an "indecent assault" conviction in a case of consensual sex in the absence of a sodomy law.

1951 — The District of Columbia Court of Appeals upholds a solicitation conviction and rejects the argument that the defendant could not be guilty because of his honorable discharge from the military.

1968 — The Maine Supreme Court upholds a sodomy conviction even though there are doubts as to the truthfulness of the accusations.

1972 — The Maryland Court of Special Appeals rules that the state’s sodomy law applies to married couples.


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