Sunday 21 April 2013

April 21st in Queer History

Born this day

Stephen Tennant  (1906 – 1987) UK

Ronald Magill  (1920 –  2007) UK

Ronnie Tober (1945 – ) Dutch

Murathan Mungan (1955 – )  Turkish
Poet / Author / Playwright

Viola Canales  (1957 – )  US

Peter Bacanovic  (1962 – )  US

John Cameron Mitchell  (1963 – )  US
Actor / Director / Screenwriter / Author

Alice Wu  (1970 – ) US
Director / Screenwriter

Chagmion Antoine  (1982 – ) US
Presenter / Journalist

Saint's Day

St Anselm of Canterbury (  - 1109)  UK
English Archbishop, whose letters to his circle of close male friends read like homoerotic love letters. He is also notable for dismissing a resolution from the Council of London in 1102 for harsh penalties for men guilty of sodomy, declaring that homosexuality was widespread and few men were embarrassed by it or had even been aware it was a serious matter.

Died this day

Eleonora Duse  (1858 - 1924)  Italian

John Maynard Keynes (1883 – 1946) UK
Economist / Mathematician – Born 5th June

Edmund Lowe  (1890 – 1971 )US

Rudi Gernreich (1922– 1985) Austrian
Fashion Designer / Activist / Dancer

James Kirkwood Jr (1924 - 1989)  US
Author / Playwright

Frank C Moore (1953 – 2002 ) US

Sodomy in history, 
April 21

1806English sailor James Jones receives 24 lashes for sex with another sailor. One month earlier, he had received 18 for a similar offense.
1916 — The Georgia Supreme Court rules that both parties in an act of fellatio are principals.
1965 — The Oregon Court of Appeals rules that consent to sodomy while in a drunken stupor is no consent.
1967 — The Maryland Court of Appeals overturns a sodomy conviction because the arresting police testified that the defendant had a "sex problem."
1976 — The Florida Supreme Court upholds the constitutionality of the "unnatural and lascivious act" law without hearing arguments in the case.
1992Estonia repeals its sodomy law.


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