Monday 22 April 2013

April 22nd in Queer History

Nearchos (and Polyeuct)

Two Roman soldiers, lovers and martyrs. Nearchos' day is today, Polyeuct on February 13th

Born this day

Laura Gilpin (1891- 1979) US
Photographer,known for her photographs of Native Americans, particularly the Navajo and Pueblo, and her Southwestern landscapes. She frequently photographed her partner, Elizabeth (Betsy) Forster during the more than fifty years they were together, sometimes placing her in scenes with other people as though she were part of a tableau she happened to come upon. In 1974 the governor of New Mexico awarded her one of the first Annual Awards for Excellence in the Arts.

Leo Abse  (1917 –2008 ) UK
Politician / Lawyer / Activist

Emile Norman  (1918 – 2009 ) US

John Waters  (1946 – )  US
Director / Screenwriter / Actor

Diana Nyad  (1949 – ) US
Long Distance Swimmer / Presenter

Phill Wilson  (1956 – ) US

Ruslan Sharipov  (1961 – )  Uzbek
Journalist / Activist

Estelle Asmodelle  (1964 – ) Australian
Model / Belly Dancer / Screenwriter / Musician / Actress

Krystian Legierski  (1978 – )  German
Politician / Activist

Andrea Gabrielle Gibson  (1985 – )  US
Reality TV [Transgeneration]

Amber Heard  (1986 – ) US
Actress / Model

Died this day

Colin MacInnes (1914 – 1976) UK

Will Geer (1902- 1978)  US
Actor / Singer

Albrecht Becker (1906 – 2002) German
Actor / Photographer / Production Designer

Christopher Price (1967– 2002) UK

Patrick Trevor-Roper  (1916 – 2004) UK
Surgeon / Activist – Born 7th June

George C Rawlings (1921 – 2009) US.  
American politician, a former member of the Democratic National Committee, and a member of the Virginia House of Delegates. Rawlings was married and had two sons, but in 1975 he and Rosalie divorced after he determined to live openly as a gay man.

Sodomy in history, 
April 22

1794Pennsylvania enacts a law to fine sheriffs for failure to conduct convicted sodomites to prison.


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