Valentine's Day
Born this day
Kevyn Aucoin (1962 – 2002) US
Make-up artist and photographer. As a child, he used to frequently did his sisters' makeup and photographed the results. After dropping out of high school as a result of continuous bullying, he enrolled in beauty school, hoping to learn more about applying make-up - but ended up teaching the class instead.
He later moved to New York, where he was did several photo shoots and covers for Vogue and Cosmopolitan, and then worked for Revlon and the Japanese cosmetics giant Shiseido.
Karen Dior (1967 – 2004) US
Transgender adult film performer, director, and singer, best known as a pioneer in popularizing adult films involving transsexual people.
M. C. Brennan (1969 – ) US
Rock vocalist, screenwriter and filmmaker.
Angela Robinson (1971 – ) US
Film and television director, screenwriter and producer. She is married to fellow television writer and director Alexandra Kondracke
Lisa-Marie Vizaniari (1971 – ) Australian
Retired Australian discus thrower, who competed in the Olympics in 1996 and 2000, in the World Championships in 1997 and in the Commonwealth Games in 1990,1994, 1998
Rie Rasmussen (1978 – ) Danish
Actress, film director, writer, and photographer.
Seany O’Kane (1982 – ) UK
Reality TV [Big Brother]
Milo & Elijah Peters (1990 – ) Czech
Porn twins
Died this day
Tony Holiday (1951 - 1990 ) German
Pop singer and songwriter. He led a clandestine homosexual lifestyle,and died on Valentines Day, 1990 of AIDS at the age 38
Dick Martin (1927 - 1990 ) US
Artist who illustrated a number of books related to The Oz books series.In addition to books, he designed greeting cards, post cards, and posters.
Don Slater (1923 - 1997 ) US
An early leader in the struggle for glbtq rights. He was the founder of the early gay magazine ONE,and also an activist for several gay causes in Los Angeles.
Joel Dorius (1919 - 2006 ) US
One of three gay professors of literature caught in a pornography scandal and forced out by Smith College in 1960 only to be exonerated in a celebrated case of sexual McCarthyism
Sodomy in history, February 14th
1635 — Two men are charged with sodomy in New Hampshire, but are not prosecuted, because it was not thought "fit" to try them there.
1787 — New York, which has been operating under the English sodomy statute for nearly a century, passes its own law, retaining the death penalty.
1902 — A New York appellate court overturns the sodomy conviction of a man for sex with a teenager of limited mentality whose father coached him in what to say in trial.
1963 — The Washington Supreme Court upholds a sodomy conviction after the "victim" was asked leading questions in the trial.
1973 — An Oklahoma appellate court upholds a sentence of 15 years in prison for consensual sodomy.
1975 — Virginia passes a new criminal code, keeps consensual sodomy as a felony, and increases the maximum penalty from three to five years.